MAP DATA INFORMATION: One of the goals of
GARMIN is to provide customers with the most complete
and accurate cartography that is available to us at a
reasonable cost. We use a combination of governmental and
private data sources, which we identify as required in
product literature and copyright messages displayed to the
consumer. Virtually all data sources contain inaccurate or
incomplete data to some degree. This is particularly true
outside the United States, where complete and accurate
digital data is either not available or prohibitively
WARNING: For use in vehicles, it is the sole
responsibility of the owner/operator of the eMap to secure
the GPS unit so that it will not interfere with the vehicle’s
operating controls, obstruct the driver’s view of driving
conditions, or cause damage or personal injury in the event
of an accident. Do not mount the eMap over air bag panels
or in the field of air bag deployment. AIr bags expand with
a rapid force that can propel objects in their path toward
the driver or passengers, causing possible injury. Refer to
air bag safety precautions contained in the vehicle owner’s
manual. Do not mount the eMap in a place where the
driver or passengers are likely to impact it in an accident
or collison. The mounting hardware provided by GARMIN
is not warranted against collision damage or the conse-
quences thereof.
WARNING: When used in vehicles, it is the sole
responsibility of the driver of the vehicle to operate the
vehicle in a safe manner, maintain full surveillance of all
driving conditions at all times, and not become distracted
by the eMap to the exclusion of safe driving practices. It is
unsafe to operate the controls of the eMap while you are
driving. Failure by the driver of a vehicle equipped with an
eMap to pay full attention to operation of the vehicle and
road conditions while the vehicle is in motion could result
in an accident or collision with property damage and
personal injury.