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With Advanced Search you build your own search by select-
ing from a variety of search criteria. This lets you target the
results to focus more precisely on the information you seek.
You can build as simple or as complex a search you need.
Here’s how:
Fill in one or more details of what you’re searching for
Decide if you want to apply any search limits
Select the number of results to be displayed per page
Click the Search button
With Advanced Search, you can conduct a search on a par-
ticular field, data type, and/or date of publication.
Advanced Search criteria include: Title/Headline, Source/
Source Name, Author, Subject/Name, Full Text, Document
Number and Document Type
For Document Types choose from the drop down list pro-
vided. Document Types include such items as: Academic
Journal, Audio, Biography, Experiment Activity, Image,
Magazine, Newspaper, Statistical Table, Topic Overview,
Video and Web sites
For content type choose whether basic, intermediate, or
advanced from the drop down list. You can limit to full-
text documents, documents with images, or peer-reviewed
journals by clicking on the box preceding the choice
Let’s try it …
A teacher wants a particular article about the death of
Ching Chun Li, a hero in genetics, known the world over as
C.C. He thinks the article appeared in American Journal of
Human Genetics sometime during 2004.
Use the Advanced Search screen and build the search to tar-
get precisely what you are looking for. Type the known piec-
es of information in the search boxes, select a corresponding
Index from the pull-down menu, and set a date limit. The
following screen shows how the search should look.
This search led us right to the article that was printed in the
May 2004 issue. The top of the results screen always recaps
the search criteria that was used.