6.6 Cursor Position Box
The Cursor position box shows
• Cursor position in latitude and longitude
• Time to go to the cursor position
• The bearing (True or Relative) and range to the cursor position, or x-y coordinates
of cursor position. Click the bearing and range indication or x-y coordinates indica-
tion to switch the indication, in the sequence shown below.
6.7 The Standby Mode
The standby mode, which requires a
password to activate, deactivates the
audio alarms from the chart system.
Use this mode when the chart system
is not required, like in a harbor. To go
to the standby mode, first click the
[OTHERS] button on the Status bar
then click [STANDBY]. Have the
holder of the password enter the
password then click the [OK] button.
To return to normal operation, click
[Back to Normal Mode].
Cursor position, Time to go
to cursor position
Bearing(T) and range to cursor position
Bearing(R) and range to cursor position
x-y coordinates of cursor position
Enter password;
click [OK] button.
Click to return to normal operation.
Click [OTHERS],