1. Open the antenna housing cover and fix the stay. Turn the antenna radiator by hand until
the magnet is in sight.
2. Remove the magnet from the bearing retainer by loosening the M3 screw.
3. Turn the antenna radiator 180° by hand, and you should see the other place for fixing
the magnet on the bearing retainer.
4. Fix the magnet removed in step (1) to the place.
1.3.3 Mounting antenna unit of MODEL 1762/1762C/1763C
Referring to the outline drawing at the back of this manual, drill five holes in the mounting
platform: four holes of 15 mm diameter for fixing the antenna unit and one hole of 25-30 mm
diameter for the signal cable.
Fastening the Radiator to the Radiator Bracket
For your reference, antenna installation materials list appears in the packing lists at the
back of this manual (see page A-6 to A-8).
1. Remove the radiator cap from the radiator bracket.
2. Coat contacting surface between antenna radiator and radiator bracket with silicone
sealant as shown in figure below.
Coat hatched area with
silicone sealant.
Coating the bottom of antenna radiator with silicone sealant
3. Coat threaded holes on the antenna radiator with silicone sealant.
4. Grease the O-ring and set it to the radiator bracket.
5. Lay the antenna radiator on the radiator bracket.
6. Coat the radiator fixing bolts (4 pcs.) with silicone sealant. Fasten the antenna radiator to
the radiator bracket with the radiator fixing bolts, flat washers and spring washers.