Readme file Preface
16 U929-J-Z125-9-76
Additional notes on the manuals
References to other manuals appear in abbreviated form. The following distinction is made:
(see “Application Programming” manual, CONNECT) advises you to look up CONNECT in
the “Application Programming” manual.
The complete titles of the manuals can be found under References.
UDS/SQL Messages
This manual contains all messages output by UDS/SQL. The messages are sorted in
ascending numerical order, or in alphabetical order for some utility routines.
UDS/SQL System Reference Guide
The UDS/SQL System Reference Guide gives an overview of the UDS/SQL functions and
Language Reference Manual
This manual describes the SQL DML language elements of UDS/SQL.
In addition to UDS/SQL-specific extensions, the language elements described include
dynamic SQL as an essential extension of the SQL standard.
For information on accessing databases with SQL statements, refer to the “ESQL COBOL”
manual and the various “DRIVE” manuals.
1.4 Readme file
Information on functional changes and additions to the current product version described in
this manual can be found in the product-specific README file. You will find the README
file on your BS2000 computer under the file name SYSRME.product.version.language. The
user ID under which the README file is cataloged can be obtained from your system
support. You can view the README file using the /SHOW-FILE command or an editor, and
print it out on a standard printer using the following command:
SPOOL version smaller than 3.0A: