Warning Descriptions
Various symbols are used throughout this manual. These are provided to emphasize important points
for your safety and that of others. The symbols and their meanings are as follows. Be sure to fully
understand these before reading this manual.
The following symbols are used to indicate the type of warning or cautions being described.
Key Descriptions / Operations
Keys are described by their representative characters instead of their exact key face
appearance, as shown below.
E.g.: [Ctrl] key, [Enter] key, [→] key, etc.
The following indicate pressing several keys at once.
E.g.: [Ctrl] + [F3] key, [Shift] + [↑] key, etc.
Symbols used in this manual have the following meanings.
Ignoring this symbol could be potentially lethal.
Ignoring this symbol may lead to injury and/or damage the device or hardware
The triangle mark emphasizes the urgency of the WARNING and CAUTION.
Details are inside the triangle and above it.
A barred circle ( ) warns against certain actions (Do Not). These actions are
detailed inside the circle and above it.
A black circle indicates actions that must be taken.
These actions are detailed inside the black circle and above it.
Symbols Meaning
These sections explain prohibited actions and points to note when using this
device. Make sure to read these sections.
These sections explain information needed to operate the hardware and
software properly. Make sure to read these sections.
→ This mark indicates reference pages or manuals.