
C156-E097-01EN 7 - 35
When changing the direction of transfer from Out (from INIT to TARG) to In (from TARG
to INIT), the TARG must begin to drive the data bus (DBn) at least 800 ns (Data Release
Delay + Bus Settle Delay) after making the I/O signal true. The INIT must stop driving the
data bus within 400 ns (Data Release Delay) after the I/O signal becomes true.
When changing the direction of transfer from In (from TARG to INIT) to Out (from INIT to
TARG), the TARG must stop driving the data bus (DBn) within 45 ns (Deskew Delay) after
making the I/O signal false.
Figure 7.15 Switching direction of transfer over the data bus