60 SPARC Enterprise Mx000 Servers XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
You can append a decimal fraction of the form .n to any -t option argument to
indicate a fractional number of seconds beyond the specified time.
EXAMPLE 1 Default fmdump Display
yyyy-mm-dd[Thh:mm[:ss]] Year, month, day, and optional hour in 24-hour format,
minute, and second, where T is an integer value
specified in base 10. The second, or hour, minute, and
second, can be optionally omitted.
ddMonyy 12:00:00AM on the specified day, month name, and
hh:mm:ss Hour in 24-hour format, minute, and second of the
current day.
hh:mm Hour in 24-hour format and minute of the current day.
Tns | Tnsec T nanoseconds ago where T is an integer value
specified in base 10.
Tus | Tusec T microseconds ago where T is an integer value
specified in base 10
Tms | Tmsec T milliseconds ago where T is an integer value
specified in base 10.
Ts | Tsec T seconds ago where T is an integer value specified in
base 10.
Tm | Tmin T minutes ago where T is an integer value specified in
base 10.
Th | Thour T hours ago where T is an integer value specified in
base 10.
Td | Tday T days ago where T is an integer value specified in
base 10.
Time Format Description
XSCF> fmdump
Aug 12 16:12:13.2811 7868c1cc-23d4-c575-8659-85cdbe61842e FMD-8000-77
Aug 12 16:12:13.2985 7868c1cc-23d4-c575-8659-85cdbe61842e FMD-8000-77
Sep 01 16:06:57.5839 3ceca439-b0b2-4db1-9123-c8ace3f2b371 FMD-8000-77
Sep 01 16:06:57.6278 3ceca439-b0b2-4db1-9123-c8ace3f2b371 FMD-8000-77
Sep 06 09:37:05.0983 6485b42b-6638-4c5d-b652-bec485290788 LINUX-8000-1N