
20 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V Release 1.0, 1 July 2002
Note –
Spurious setting of the PSTATE.RED bit by privileged software should not
be performed, since it will take the SPARC64 V into RED_state without the
required sequencing.
5.2.9 Version (VER) Register
shows the values for the VER register for SPARC64 V.
The manuf field contains Fujitsus 8-bit JEDEC code in the lower 8 bits and zeroes in
the upper 8 bits. The manuf, impl, and mask fields are implemented so that they
may change in future SPARC64 V processor versions. The mask field is incremented
by 1 any time a programmer-visible revision is made to the processor. See the
SPARC64 V Data Sheet to determine the current setting of the mask field.
5.2.11 Ancillary State Registers (ASRs)
Please refer to Section 5.2.11 of Commonality for details of the ASRs.
Performance Control Register (PCR) (ASR 16)
SPARC64 V implements the PCR register as described in SPARC JPS1 Commonality,
with additional features as described in this section.
In SPARC64 V, the accessibility of PCR when PSTATE.PRIV = 0 is determined by
PCR.PRIV. If PSTATE.PRIV =0 and PCR.PRIV = 1, an attempt to execute either
RDPCR or WRPCR will cause a
exception. If PSTATE.PRIV =0 and
PCR.PRIV =0, RDPCR operates without privilege violation and WRPCR causes a
exception only when an attempt is made to change (that is, write 1
to) PCR.PRIV (impl. dep. #250).
See Appendix Q, Performance Instrumentation, for a detailed discussion of the PCR
and PIC register usage and event count definitions.
Register Encodings
Bits Field Value
63:48 manuf 0004
(impl. dep. #104)
47:32 impl 5 (impl. dep. #13)
31:24 mask n (The value of n depends on the processor chip version)
15:8 maxtl 5
4:0 maxwin 7