Output waveform in 16-bit PPG output operation mode
The High and Low pulse widths to be outputted are determined by adding 1 to the value in the PPG reload
register and multiplying it by the count clock cycle. For example, if the value in the PPG reload register is
", the pulse width has one count clock cycle, and if the value is "FFFF
", the pulse width has 65,536
count clock cycles.
The equations for calculating the pulse width are shown below:
PL=T × (L+1)
PH=T × (H+1)
PL: Low width of output pulse
PH: High width of output pulse
L: Values of 16 bits in PPG reload register (PRLLn+PRLLm)
H: Values of 16 bits in PPG reload register (PRLHn+PRLHm)
T: Count clock cycle
Figure 16.5-5 shows the output waveform in the 16-bit PPG output operation mode.
Figure 16.5-5 Output Waveform in 16-bit PPG Output Operation Mode
T × (L + 1)
T × (H + 1)
Operation start
Operation stop
PPG operation enable
bit (PEN)
PPG output pin
L : Values of 16 bits in PPG reload register (PRLLm + PRLLn)
H : Values of 16 bits in PPG reload register (PRLHm + PRLHn)
T : Count clock cycle
Note: n = C, E
m = n + 1