8.1 Overview of 8/16-bit Capture Timer/Counter
The 8/16-bit capture timer/counter consists of two 8-bit counters (timer 0 and timer 1).
These counters can be used separately (8-bit mode) or in combination (16-bit mode).
Timer 0 provides seven internal count clocks. This timer can select the interval timer
function or counter function. The interval timer function increments the counter value in
synchronization with one of the seven internal clocks. The counter function increments
the counter value according to the clock to be input to an external pin. Timer 0 can
output square waves of any frequency according to outputs from the interval timer and
Timer 1 provides seven internal count clocks. This timer can output square waves of
any frequency but can use only the interval timer function that increments the timer
value in synchronization with one of the seven internal counter clocks. For the 16-bit
mode, timer 0 and timer 1 are connected in series to serve as a 16-bit timer.
■ Interval Timer Function
The interval timer function generates interrupt requests repeatedly at any time interval.
This function can also invert the output level of P34/TO/INT10 pin per time interval and output square
waves of any frequency.
• In the 8-bit mode, the interval timer function operates as two independent timers: timer 0 (8-bit capture
timer/counter) and timer 1 (8-bit timer). Interval timer operation from each count clock cycle to a 2
times cycle is possible.
• The interval timer function can select and output square waves to the TO pin according to the timer 0 or
1 output.
• In the 16-bit mode, the interval timer function operates as a 16-bit capture timer/counter in which timer
0 is concatenated as the lower counter and timer 1 is concatenated as the upper counter. Interval timer
operation from the count clock cycle to the 2
times cycle is possible.
• The count clock can be selected from the seven internal clock cycles (if timer 0 selects an external
clock, the interval timer function operates as the capture/counter function).
• The timer 0 output cycle can be used as the clock for starting A/D converters continuously or as the 8-
bit PWM timer count clock.