Main Menu Web-Based Management Interface
Last Attempt Time - Specifies the local date and time (UTC) that this SNTP server was
last queried.
Last Attempt Status - Specifies the status of the last SNTP request to this server. If no
packet has been received from this server, a status of Other is displayed.
• Other None of the following enumeration values.
• Success The SNTP operation was successful and the system time was
• Request Timed Out A directed SNTP request timed out without receiving a
response from the SNTP server.
• Bad Date Encoded The time provided by the SNTP server is not valid.
• Version Not Supported TheSNTP version supported by the server is not
compatible with the version supported by the client.
• Server UnsychronizedThe SNTP server is not synchronized with its peers.
This is indicated via the 'leap indicator' field on the SNTP message.
• Server Kiss Of Death The SNTP server indicated that no further queries were
to be sent to this server. This is indicated by a stratum field equal to 0 in a message
received from a server.
Unicast Server Num Requests - Specifies the number of SNTP requests made to this
server since last time agent reboot.
Unicast Server Num Failed Requests - Specifies the number of failed SNTP requests
made to this server since last reboot.