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*4 Innovations in IMON V3.0
*4 With IMON V3.0, delivery units that are parked on a key-formatted
*4 pubset can be installed on a non-key-formatted pubset.
*4 Previously, the statement GENERATE-IDF displayed all delivery
*4 units. Only the installed delivery units are now offered in the
*4 dialog.
*4 As of IMON V3.0, the TASKLIB and MACROLIB can also be installed
*4 under a default user ID (DEFLUID system parameter) other than
*4 TSOS. The parameter ZVDEFSUP in the IMON parameter file must be
*4 set to "Y" for this.
*4 Important note
: if the parameter ZVDEFSUP is set to "Y", the two
*4 files $TSOS.TASKLIB and $TSOS.MACROLIB must be copied under the
*4 default user ID and deleted from under $TSOS before the next IMON
*4 installation.
*4 In addition, IMON V3.0 also contains preliminary functions for
*4 future hardware platforms and BS2000/OSD-BC versions.
*4 The subsystem CRTEBASY of CRTE-BASYS V1.6 is available as a run-
time environment for BS2000-internal applications. This subsystem
should only be preloaded if this is recommended in the Release
Notice of another installed product.
By default the subsystem is loaded in upper class 4 memory. As an
alternative, the subsystem can also be loaded below 16 MB in
class 4 memory using the SYSSSC file with the extension LOW
*4 (SYSSSC.CRTE-BASYS.016.LOW) if there is enough space available
In addition, IMON copies the IC@RTSXS, IC@STLNK and IC@ULINK mod-
*4 ules from the SYSLNK.CRTE-BASYS.016.CLIB library to CLIB. If no
$.CLIB file exists on the source system it is created by IMON.
This $.CLIB can be used for programs which were compiled with C
V2.0 or earlier.
The compatibility library SYSLNK.ILCS is also installed with
If a default user ID other than TSOS is used (DEFLUID system pa-
rameter), it should be noted that during installation of CRTE-
BASYS not all libraries are automatically installed under the de-
fault user ID. When installation with IMON is completed, the
$TSOS.CLIB file must be copied to $<default_user_ID>.CLIB.
3.4 Product use
All conversion activities for BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 are described in
the manual BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 Migration Guide.
An update to BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 is possible on the basis of
BS2000 versions OSD-BC V4.0 and V5.0. A first-time installation
of BS2000/OSD-BC V6.0 must be made for all earlier BS2000 ver-
sions. Configurations with V4.0 and V5.0 are possible with a
shared pubset network using MSCF.