LENS A20x8.6B MD S20x6.4B MD
Zoom Ratio / Format 20X / 2/3" 20X / 1/2"
Focal Length
8.6 mm ~ 172 mm 6.4 mm ~ 128 mm
Maximum Relative 1.8 (to 115 mm) 1.4 (to 90 mm)
Aperture 2.7 (at 172 mm) 2.0 (at 128 mm)
Angular Field of View
8.6 mm 54° 11' x 41° 59' 6.4 mm 53° 08' x 41° 07'
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
172 mm 2° 56' x 2° 12' 128 mm 2° 52' x 2° 09'
M.O.D. from Front of Lens 0.9 m 0.9 m
Object Area (at Wide)
8.6 mm 866 x 650 mm 6.4 mm 846 x 635 mm
at M.O.D. (at Tele)
172 mm 43 x 33 mm 128 mm 42 x 32 mm
Filter Size ø 82 x 0.75 ø 82 x 0.75
Weight 1.45 kg 1.45 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
A20x8.6B MD
S20x6.4B MD
S20x6.4BE MD
Zoom Ratio / Format 20X / 2/3" 20X / 1/2"
Focal Length 8.6 to 172 mm 6.4 to 128 mm
w/ Built-in Extender (2X) 17.2 to 344 mm (2X) 12.8 to 256 mm
Maximum Relative F1.8 (to 115 mm) F1.4 (to 90 mm)
Aperture F2.7 (at 172 mm) F2.0 (at 128 mm)
Angular Field
8.6mm 54° 11’ x 41° 59’ 6.4mm 53° 08’x 41° 07’
of View
172mm 2° 56’ x 2° 12’ 128mm 2° 52’ x 2° 09’
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
(2X) 17.2mm 28° 42’ x 21°43’ (2X) 12.8mm 28° 04’x 21° 14’
344mm 1° 28’ x 1° 06’ 256mm 1° 26’ x 1° 04’
M.O.D. from Front of Lens
0.9 m 0.9 m
Object Area
8.6mm 866mm x 650mm 6.4mm 846mm x 635mm
at M.O.D
172mm 43mm x 33mm 128mm 42mm x 32mm
(2X) 17.2mm 433mm x 325mm (2X) 12.8mm 423mm x 317mm
344mm 21mm x 16mm 256mm 21mm x 16mm
Filter Size ø 82 mm P=0.75 ø 82 mm P=0.75
Weight 1.55 kg 1.55 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
A20x8.6BE MD
S20x6.4BE MD
Fujinon’s complete line of remote control lenses is ideal
for everything from graphics stands and videoconferencing
to tower cams. A wide array of accessories including wide
and telephoto converters, filters and remote controllers
are available.
Accessories for above lenses shown on page 34.
◊For remote application of extender, the ECU motorized extender unit is required.
A13x6.3B MD/EMD
S13x4.6B MD/EMD
*EMD version with extender
LENS A13x6.3B MD/EMD* S13x4.6B MD/EMD*
Zoom Ratio / Format 13X / 2/3" 13X / 1/2"
Focal Length 6.3 to 82 mm 4.6 to 60 mm
(2X) 12.6 to 164 mm (2X) 9.2 to 120 mm
Maximum Relative F2 (to 61 mm) F1.5 (to 45 mm)
Aperture F2.7 (at 82 mm) F2.0 (at 60 mm)
Angular Field
6.3mm 69° 52’ x 55° 18’ 4.6mm 69° 39’x 55° 06’
of View
82mm 6° 09’ x 4° 37’ 60mm 6° 06’ x 4° 35’
(Hor. x Vert. in °)
(2X) 12.6mm 38° 30’ x 29°21’ (2X) 9.2mm 38°21’x 29° 15’
164mm 3°04’ x 2° 18’ 120mm 3° 03’ x 2° 17’
M.O.D. from Front of Lens
0.4 m 0.4 m
Object Area
6.3mm 617mm x 463mm 4.6mm 633mm x 475mm
at M.O.D
82mm 47mm x 36mm 60mm 49mm x 37mm
(2X) 12.6mm 309mm x 231mm (2X) 9.2mm 315mm x 236mm
164mm 24mm x 18mm 120mm 24mm x 18mm
Filter Size (on Barrel) ø 82 mm P=0.75 ø 82 mm P=0.75
Weight 1.73 kg 1.73 kg
1.83 kg 1.83 kg
Features Inner Focus Inner Focus
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
(at Wide)
(at Tele)
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