Q Panoramas are created from multiple frames; expo-
sure for the entire panorama is determined by the
 rst frame. The camera may in some cases record an
greater or lesser angle than selected or be unable to
stitch the frames together perfectly. The last part of
the panorama may not be recorded if shooting ends
before the panorama is complete.
Q Shooting may be interrupted if the camera is panned
too quickly or too slowly. Panning the camera in a
direction other than that shown cancels shooting.
Q The desired results may not be achieved with mov-
ing subjects, subjects close to the camera, unvary-
ing subjects such as the sky or a  eld of grass, sub-
jects that are in constant motion, such as waves and
waterfalls, or subjects that undergo marked chang-
es in brightness. Panoramas may be blurred if the
subject is poorly lit.
For Best Results
For best results, use a lens with a focal length of
35 mm or less (50 mm or less in 35 mm format). Prop
your elbows against your sides and move the camera
slowly in a small circle at a steady speed, keeping the
camera horizontal and being careful only to pan in
the direction shown by the guides. Use a tripod for
best results. If the desired results are not achieved, try
panning at a di erent speed.