the analysis. If the file is not renamed it
will be overwritten when the TEMPUS
program is used to make an additional
analysis for that channel and that directory.
Of course, if the file is lost, it is usually a
fairly simple process to redo the analysis
and recreate the file.
Slicing the analysis display object.
Many times interesting features appear in
the display object that contain frequency
components worth looking at. With Tem-
pus-3D, a slice can easily be made of the
object at a point in time. Use the mouse and
position the cursor near the point where the
feature is seen. Click the left mouse button
and a vertical line will appear. It is best to
operate slice while in the spectrogram
display because the line is drawn parallel to
the frequency axis above the time point of
the object (click on the RESET button). A
number will appear telling you the time
position of the slice when it is taken.
Type “s.” A new window will appear with
the 2D graph representing the values of the
object data at the time of the slice. Resize
the window and move it in relation to the
main display window as needed. Other
slices can also be made of the object as
desired, the windows displayed simulta-
neously to show the frequency characteris-
tics of the object at different points in time.
The color bar associated with the parent
display window carries the information of
the amplitudes of all of the 2D graphs as
well as that of the main object. The 2D
graphs also can be moved and resized
within their individual graph windows as
needed by use of the same key functions as
are used with the 3D object.
Analysis of Different Parts of the
Sampled Data Set
When a certain part of the data set has been
analyzed and you want to make a change to
look for different effects, such as a change
in the analysis bandwidth, minimize but
don’t close the TEMPUS-3D window; you
will then be returned to the TEMPUS
analysis window. Make the additional
analysis and display it with a new copy of
the TEMPUS-3D program. You will need to
recall the TEMPUS-3D display program by
clicking on the program indicator at the
bottom of the screen. . If it is desired to
compare the original analysis with the new
one, use the Windows functions to cut the
window to half screen (a vertical partition
works best with the screens viewed side by
side). Then recover the original analysis,
cut it to half width and position it next to
the second analysis. A B comparisons are
then easily made.