used in the TEMPUS-3D and a description
of what they do.
• Left mouse click plus “Shift” key moves
the origin of the graph.
• Left mouse click on the graph window
near the object will draw a vertical line that
represents the position of a “slice” graph
that can be created. See below in the key-
board section and the use of the “S” key..
Toolbar Commands
• Open File Icon—Opens T3D files
• Help Icon—Accesses the Help Contents
Dialogue Bar Commands
• x-axis rotation—This command window
is one of three similar windows located at
the left of the screen. This window controls
the rotation of the x-axis (the time axis).
The number in the window denotes, in
degrees, how far the object has rotated from
zero. It can be used one of two ways. You
can click on the up/down arrow keys imme-
diately to the right of the window, or you
can position the cursor in the window and
type in a number.
• y-axis rotation—This command window
works the same as the x-axis rotation, but it
pertains to the y-axis (amplitude axis).
• z-axis rotation—Same as the two above,
but this one shows how far the z-axis
(frequency axis) has rotated.
• Refresh—When you change the x-, y-, and
z-axis rotations in the command windows,
or when you adjust the clipping (explained
below), you must do one of three things
before the changes will be implemented.
Pressing the keyboard’s RETURN key,
clicking on the graph part of the window or
clicking on the REFRESH button will
refresh the screen.
• Reset—This button resets all three axes
to zero.
• Surface/Wireframe—The object can be
displayed as a complex surface or as a
wireframe. Whichever one you are cur-
rently using, the opposite name will appear
on this button. Click this button to switch
between the two.
• Plus (+) and minus (–) —These two
buttons enlarge and reduce the object,
• Top Clipping/Bottom Clipping—If you are
particularly interested in a specific range of
amplitudes, you can limit the range dis-
played by adjusting the top clipping and
bottom clipping. Both of these control
windows can be adjusted either by clicking
on the arrows immediately to the right of
each window, or by positioning the cursor
in the window and entering a value using
the keyboard. When a range is shortened by
use of the clip levels, the color range is also
rescaled to fit between the two chosen
Keyboard Commands
• Up arrow ( ↑ )—Rotates the object on the
x-axis ten degrees in the clockwise (nega-
tive) direction
• Down arrow ( ↓ )—Rotates on the x-axis
ten degrees in the counter clockwise (posi-
tive) direction
• Left arrow (←)—Rotates on the y-axis ten
degrees in the clockwise (negative) direc-
• Right arrow (→)—Rotates on the y-axis
ten degrees in the counter clockwise (posi-
tive) direction.