Louder sound levels whenever
freezer is ON
• Modern freezers have increased storage capabilities and more even
temperatures. They require a high efficiency compressor. When the
surr ounding n oise level is low, you m ight hear the co mpress or running
while it cools the interior.
Louder sound levels when
compressor comes ON
• Fr eezer opera tes at higher pressur es during th e start of t he ON cycle.
This is normal. Sound will level of f or disappear as freezer continues to
Popping or cracking sound when
compressor comes ON
• Met al parts undergo ex pansion a nd contrac tion, as in hot water pipes.
This is normal. Sound will level of f or disappear as freezer continues to
Bubbling or gurgling sound, like
water boiling
• R efrigerant ( used to cool freezer ) is circulat ing throug hout the s yste m.
This is norma l.
Vibrating or rattling noise
• Freezer is not level. It rocks on the floor when it is moved slightly.
Level the unit. R efer to “Levelin g” in the Fir st Steps se ction.
• Floor is uneven or weak. Freezer rocks on the floor when it is moved
slightly. Be sure floor can adequately support freezer. Level the
freezer by putting wood or metal s hims under par t of the free zer.
• Freezer is t ouchi ng the wall . Leve l the f ree zer or m ove fr eezer sli ght ly.
Refer to “Leveling” in the First Steps section.
Moisture forms on inside freezer
• W eather is hot and hum id, which increases internal rate of fros t build-
up. This is normal.
• Door is slightly open. See OCCURRENCE “Door Problems”.
• Door is k e pt op e n t oo lo n g, or is op ene d t oo f req uentl y. O pen t he d oor
less often .
Moisture forms on outside of
• Door is slightly open, causing the cold air from inside the freezer to
meet warm moist air from outside. See OCCURRENCE “Door
Odor in freezer
• Interior needs to be cleaned. Clean interior with sponge, warm water
and baking soda.
• Foods with strong odors are in the fr eezer. Cover the food t i ghtly.
Door will not close
• Freezer is not le vel. It rocks on the floor when it is m oved slightly. This
condition can force the cabinet out of square and misalign the door.
Refer to “Le veling” in th e First Steps se ction.
• Floor is uneven or weak. Freezer rocks on the floor when it is moved
slightly. Be sure floor can adequately support freezer. Level the
freezer by putting wood or metal shims under the freezer or brace the
floor supporting the freezer.
Light bulb is not on
• Light bulb is burned out. Follow directions under “Interior Light” in the
“Fr eezer Features” section.
• No electric current is reaching the freezer. See OCCURRENCE
“Fr eezer does not run” .