
1.3 Fastening The Wire To The Ground
Add pegs in to pull the perimeter wire down to the ground surface, below the grass tips Figure
1.4 Corners & Sharp Turns
Care must be taken not to create a turn sharper than 90 degrees when setting up the perimeter
wire. A turn sharper than 90 degrees can cause the Robomower to lose track of the perimeter
wire. In situations where a corner may require a wire placement of less than a 90-degree angle,
placement can be adjusted using several angles to avoid this. See Figure 1.4.
Correct corner
setup using several angles
to avoid a less than 90-
degree angle.
Perimeter Wire
Add pegs in to pull the perimeter wire
down to the ground surface, below the
grass tips.
Incorrect corner
Figure 1.4
Lawn area
90 degrees
Damage to the eye is possible. Use proper eye protection
and wear appropriate work gloves when hammering the
pegs. Hard or dry ground may cause pegs to break when
driving them in. In extreme cases, watering the lawn where
the pegs will be driven can be beneficial.
Figure 1.3
Chapter 1
Page 10