Opening and Closing Documents
You can open documents from Mobipocket Reader or from the Applications
Launcher (Palm OS
). To open a document from the Applications Launcher, tap its
icon, if available. To open a document from Mobipocket Reader, follow these steps.
1. Tap (Palm OS
) or Start | Programs | MobiPocket (Windows
CE) to open Mobipocket Reader.
Note: When the Mobipocket Reader or content resides on a PalmPak
card, MultiMediaCard or SD card, view the contents of the expan-
sion card as instructed in your PDA manual.
The screen that appears varies based on available content and
whether or not documents were opened previously.
• If no documents are available, you go to an empty Library screen.
• If electronic documents are available and no documents have
been opened, you see the Library screen, with the installed docu-
ments sorted by their file type.
Page 5
Empty Library screen
List of eBooks in the Library