➤ Viewing English
If you are unfamiliar with inflec-
tions, it may be helpful to look at
some inflected forms of English
verbs. Switch the entry language
back to English, type beg, and
press BEUG to see the different
forms of the English verb “to
➤ Understanding Conjugations
The Deutsch/Englisch Professor
conjugates German verbs into
the following forms: present,
preterite, future, present subjunc-
tive, future subjunctive, preterite
subjunctive, present conditional,
Finding Conjugations Finding Conjugations
imperative, present participle,
past participle, perfect indicative,
pluperfect indicative, future per-
fect, perfect subjunctive, pluper-
fect subjunctive, future perfect
subjunctive, and past conditional.
➤ Getting Grammar Guidance
When viewing inflections, you
can press HILFE to go directly to
the Grammar Guide and view
detailed descriptions of how to
use the inflections you were
viewing along with usage exam-