ITO – Internetwork Throughput Option
Figure 7-10. MAC or IP Mode Sample Results
1 Rate is the raw data rate, excluding the
Ethernet framing overhead (preamble and
inter-frame gap).
2 This gauge shows the Network Assistant’s
Traffic Generator transmission rate.
3 This gauge shows the Ethernet Utilization for all
traffic in the current collision domain. It does not
include the minimum inter-frame gap.
Ping Mode
Traffic Generator’s Ping mode allows you to rapidly
transmit ICMP Echo Request packet traffic to a specific
device or network. The target device can be on the other
side of one or more routers. The Network Assistant does
not wait for a response before transmitting the next ICMP
Echo Request. The ICMP Echo Request sets the don’t
fragment bit in the IP header.
Using Traffic Generator in Ping mode can
generate enough traffic to stress or saturate
a 10 MB or 100 Mb Ethernet station. Take
care when using Traffic Generator in Ping