Running Individual Tests
When to Use a Remote Unit
Table 4-1. Remote Requirements for Cable Tests
Test Remote Unit
Autotest Required. Supported by all remotes.
Wire Map Required. Supported by all remotes.
NEXT Required. Supported by all remotes.
NEXT@REMOTE Required. Supported by smart remotes and DSP-100 main units used as
remotes. With a standard remote, results can be obtained by switching the
positions of the remote and main unit and retesting.
Length Optional. Supported by all remotes. Without a remote, the limit and pass/fail
result are not shown.
Impedance Optional. Supported by all remotes.
Attenuation Required. Supported by all remotes.
Resistance Optional. Supported by all remotes. Without a remote, the resistance of
cable pairs is reported as “open,” assuming the cable pair is not shorted.
RL Required. Supported by all remotes.
RL@REMOTE Required. Supported by DSP-2000 smart remote.
ACR Required. Supported by all remotes. Test available only in Autotest mode.
ACR@REMOTE Required. Supported by smart remotes and DSP-100 main units used as
remotes. With a standard remote, results can be obtained by switching the
positions of the remote and main unit and retesting. Test is available only in
Autotest mode.
Required. Supported by DSP-2000 smart remote. Test is available only in
Autotest mode.
TDR Optional. Supported by all remotes. Without a remote, the end of the cable
is not identified.
TDX Analyzer Recommended. Supported by all remotes. Without a remote, results from
tests on short cables may be unreliable.
Impulse Noise Recommended. Supported by all remotes. Without a remote, test results
may not represent the level of noise present on a terminated cable.
Traffic Monitor Never used.