Users Manual
2. Press E and T simultaneously.
"tri" and a number corresponding to the selected trigger type ("1", "2", "3", "4", or
"5" from Table 5-3) are displayed.
If E is pressed before (rather than simultaneously with) T, the meter
will toggle from autorange to manual range or vice-versa, depending upon
the range mode you are in.
3. Press U or T to step up or down the trigger type list.
Step to trigger type "2" (external trigger with settling delay disabled) or "3" (external
trigger with settling delay enabled) to allow measurements to be triggered from the
front panel. (Typical settling delays are provided in Table 4-3.)
4. When the desired trigger type is highlighted, press E to select that trigger type.
If trigger type "2" or "3" has been selected, "REMOTE" and "EXT TRG" will be
displayed, confirming that you are in the remote mode and external trigger has been
enabled. (If you are not in the remote mode, you will not be able to trigger
measurements from the front panel.)
5. Press T to trigger a measurement. Each subsequent press of the T triggers a
6. To exit the remote mode, press S.
You will still be in external trigger. In order to return the meter to its internal
(continuous) trigger state, perform steps 1-3 above to select trigger type "1".
If you exit the remote mode with trigger type "4" or "5" selected, the meter will still
be in external trigger, but because it is no longer in the remote mode, you will only be
able to trigger measurements with the rear trigger (types "4" and "5") or over the
computer interface (using the *TRG command). To re-enter the remote mode, re-
select trigger type "2" or "3" as described above.
Setting the Trigger Type Configuration
To select a trigger type over the computer interface, send the command:
TRIGGER <type>
where <type> is a number between 1 and 5 that identifies a trigger type. See Table 5-3. If
<type> is not one of these numbers, an Execution Error is generated.
Select a trigger type that enables the settling delay (type 3 or 5) when the input signal is
not stable before a measurement is triggered. Typical settling delays are provided in
Table 4-3. The reading transfer rates are provided in Table 5-4.
External Triggering via the Computer Interface
To trigger a measurement over the RS-232 or IEEE-488 computer interface, send the
meter a *TRG command over the computer interface. See Table 5-8.
The following external triggering methods can be used only when the IEEE-488 interface
is enabled:
• When the IEEE-488 interface is enabled, the receive pin (RX) of the RS-232
interface can be configured for use as an external trigger input. (See the TRIGGER
command, Table 5-14).