Getting Started Guide
Monitor Channel
Select a channel measurement to display on the device front panel. You can
also choose to increment though active channels or to automatically scan
through all active channels. Default is None.
Scan Parameters
Parameters you can set to start, stop, and save scan data.
You can also select Start Scan on Power Up for stand-alone
operation or to automatically start scanning after a power loss.
Scan Overflow
You can choose to overwrite old data or stop receiving data when the buffer is
Log to PC Card (2686A only)
Ignore the PC card (default setting).
Always write to the PC card. This selection is useful for stand-alone
applications or when you want data backup.
When the card is full, an error message will be generated and
scanning will stop.
Trigger Out
Used to specify a Trigger Out module. Trigger out is the physical Trigger
output of a 268XA device. It is the Trigger Out signal out on the rear panel
connector of the mainframe. If you want to set up a master/slave relationship,
set a module in a 268XA device to control the Trigger Out signal and wire that
signal to the Trigger In of all the salve devices. You will then need to
configure a module in a slave device to take a reading when an External
Trigger was received. The External Signal is the same as the physical Trigger
In located on the back of the mainframe.