Front Panel
1. Power
Lights up when the amplifier power is on. The Power switch is located behind the amp above the AC power cord
2. Channel 1 Input
Accepts all types of passive or active acoustic pickups.
3. Channel 2, XLR Input
Plug in a balanced mic here for vocal or for your instrument. The Loudbox 100 makes an excellent mini-PA or
vocal monitor. You may also connect an outboard preamp with balanced XLR out to this input.
Note: If you attempt to plug in both the Channel 2 XLR and 1/4-inch inputs at the same time, the XLR shuts off.
4. Phantom Power Switch
Provides 24V to the XLR input, for a condenser Microphone.
Provides 15V to the ring contact of Channel 2's 1/4-inch input, for instruments with mini-electret microphones.
Note: Push the Mute switch in before you turn on the Phantom Power, to avoid a loud “pop.”
For more information on Phantom Power, see page 11.
5. Channel 2, 1/4-inch Input (stereo)
Accepts all types of passive or active acoustic pickups. The ring contact of this stereo TRS input is tied to Channel
1. An instrument with two signal sources (such as pickup and mini-mic) can be routed via stereo cable through
this jack to both Channels 1 and 2 (see page 12 for setup).
Note: Unplug Channel 1 input before you use Channel 2's 1/4-inch input for stereo blending. If you use both 1/4-
inch inputs simultaneously, Channel 1 takes priority and shuts off the Channel 2 ring signal.
With this setup, your pickup and onboard mini-mic can be EQ'd and blended separately. Wire the mini-mic to ring
and the pickup to tip and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Turn on Phantom 15V power if your mini-mic
requires it. Stereo cables are available through your Fishman dealer.
Note: Items 6-14 are identical for both channels.
6. Clip LED
The Clip LED will light when the Gain level is too high and the signal becomes distorted. If the light comes on
when you play, lower the Gain until the distortion goes away.
7. 10dB Pad
If you have a high output pickup and the Clip LED comes on at low Gain settings, push this switch in to put your
pickup into a more useable range.
Acoustic Instrument Amplifier
Loudbox 100