Use the Data knob to change the behavior of the Mid control. The default Mid setting is flat (read 0 in display). To cut midrange, turn the Data knob
left and the display will show a negative number (down to -9) that indicates the amount cut in dB. To boost midrange, turn the Data knob right and
the display will show a number (up to 12) that indicates the amount of boost in dB.
The Mid control is centered at 1kHz. And affects how well the instrument blends in or stands out in the mix. Cut midrange to make the sound more
transparent, especially at high volume levels.
Use the Data knob to change the behavior of the Treble control. The default Treble setting is flat (read 0 in display). To cut treble, turn the Data knob
left and the display will show a negative number (down to -9) that indicates the amount cut in dB. To boost treble, turn the Data knob right and the
display will show a number (up to 12) that indicates the amount of boost in dB.
Boosting here will add "air" to the sound. Cutting the treble will mellow and subdue your amplified tone.
Phase Switches
The phase switch is the most misunderstood feature, yet it is also the easiest to use.
Phase (Pickup Phase, located on the Parameter Knob, switched by the Data knob)
The detent marked Phase on the Parameter knob lets you flip the polarity of the pickup signal 180 .
With this control you can align the pickup signal with the selected Sound Image for a stronger and
more cohesive sound. Use the Data control to flip between + polarity (0 in the display) and -polarity
(1 in the display).
Why a Phase Switch on the Parameter Knob?
A Sound Image is created from an actual microphone in front of a guitar. So the distance of the mic
from the instrument and the polarity of the mic capsule will contribute to relative phase of the signal.
Because the Aura blends a Sound Image signal with a pickup signal there is a 50% chance that the
two will clash. The clash will manifest itself as a loss of bass response, shrill treble, and a generally
anemic tone. The phase switch located on the parameter knob simply lets you put the pickup and
Sound Image into agreement. The method for setting the switch is simple: Set the Parameter knob to
"Phase", toggle the Data knob and listen. The "correct" position for the switch is the one that produces
the strongest sound.
Phase (global, slide switch)
The selection marked Phase on the Parameter knob lets you flip the polarity of the pickup signal 180
degrees. With this control you can align the pickup signal with the Aura Digital Sound Image for a
stronger and more cohesive sound. Use the Data control to flip between + polarity (0 in the display)
and - polarity (1 in the display).
Why a Global Phase Switch?
Any time you plug in, there is a 50% chance that the sound of the speaker and the instrument will
clash in some way. The clash can manifest itself as a loss of bass response at low volumes or (more
often) acoustic feedback at high volumes. The phase switch simply lets you put the instrument and
the speaker in agreement. The method for setting the switch is equally as simple: flip the switch and
listen. The “correct” position for the switch is the one that works for you.
Inner Workings - continued
Acoustic Imaging Blender