Help Isa pack similar items
for the party.
• Can you find the similar items (party
decorations, musical instruments,
etc.) on the table?
• Use the joystick to choose an item
then press a handlebar button to
make your selection.
• Choose the correct item and hear the
item spoken in English and Spanish.
Complete the set of three similar
items and move on to the next set.
• When you’re finished with this activity,
press the exit button to return to
the road. Pedal to the next activity.
Pack for
the party
Find each part of the bridge
in the maze.
• Look at the pieces you’ll need to find
to build the bridge on the bottom of
the screen.
• Use the joystick to move Dora
through the maze. Find a matching
piece to complete the bridge. Try to
finish the bridge as fast as you can.
• Complete the bridge and Diego
walks across the bridge to help
Baby Jaguar.
Build A