FS-8700-49_Data_Aire_DAP Page 38 of 48
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.FieldServer.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2269 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@FieldServer.com
Message Description Discussion
Err. Map Descriptor=
<%s> Cant write '%s'
(%d:%d) to a unit= %d
The DA_Field and DA_Function type specified are not
suitable for the Unit_Type found
Unit Types don’t
match. Node= <%s>
This message may be safely ignored. If the discovered
type is what you expect then change the CSV file and
reset the FieldServer for you changes to have effect.
FYI. Poll Delay set to
min of %.1f secs
You may safely ignore this message. If is for your
information only. If you set the poll delay too short the
driver will overwrite your value. The message reports
the fact and indicates the minimum poll delay. You
should note the poll delay as it affects performance.
FYI. Poll Delay
override for DEBUG =
%.1f secs
If you see this message printed report the fact to FST
FYI. Diagnostic Poll
Sent. Map Descriptor=
You may safely ignore this message. If is for your
information only. It records the fact that a special poll
has been sent.
Err. Write abandoned.
Map Descriptor=<%s>
Addr=%d Only
DAP80-Menu Write
Thru's Supported
From 1.06d some write through capability was provided
when variables in the ‘Everything’ array are updated.
Only those variables which result in a DAP80-MENU
command being sent are supported.
Err. Write abandoned.
Map Descriptor=<%s>
Addr=%d. Map Entry
not found
The Write Through Failed because the map entry could
not be found. The map entry index is calculated by
using the cache Map Descriptor normalized address
and subtracting the Data Array offset. If the method is
failing with error adjust your configuration so that the
Data Array Offset is zero. After downloading the
modified config and resetting the FieldServer if the error
still occurs then take a log and send the log with the
configuration to FieldServer’s Tech support
Appendix D.1. Exposing Driver Statistics
In addition to the standard FieldServer communication statistics described in the FieldServer
Configuration Manual, the DAP Driver can also expose some driver statistics by writing data
to a Data Array. A special Map Descriptor named "dap-stats" is required.
Node_name, Protocol, Station
null_node , DAP , 1
Data_Array_Name , Data_Format, Data_Array_Length
DA_DAP_STATS , UINT32 , 1000
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Node_name, length
dap-stats, , DA_DAP_STATS , null_node , 1000