
6 Fit the main bearing caps in their numbered
sequence and the correct way round (photo).
7 Clean the threads of the main bearing cap
bolts, lightly oil them and screw them in
finger-tight. Tighten all bolts progressively to
the specified torque, then check that the
crankshaft turns smoothly and evenly
8 Now check the crankshaft endfloat. Do this
using a dial gauge or feeler blades inserted
between the machined shoulder of a journal
and the side of the bearing cap (photo). Move
the crankshaft fully in one direction and then
the other to ensure that full movement is
obtained. If the endfloat is outside the
specified tolerance and new bearing shells
have been fitted, then a fault must have
occurred during crankshaft regrinding.
9 Fit a new oil seal to the crankshaft rear oil
seal retainer. Apply grease to the seal lips. A
conventional gasket is not used at the oil seal
joint face but a 3.0 mm diameter bead of RTV
silicone instant gasket must be applied
to a clean surface as shown in Fig. 13.9
10 Bolt the retainer into position. One hour at
least must be allowed for the RTV to cure
before oil contacts it.
11 Turn the engine on its side and fit the
piston/connecting rods as described in
sub-Section B.
12 Fit a new oil seal to the oil pump, oil the
seal lips and bolt on the pump using a new
joint gasket (photos).
13 Use a new sealing washer and fit the oil
pick-up/filter screen assembly.
14 Fit the engine rear plate and then the
flywheel on its mounting flange. Apply
thread-locking fluid to (clean) bolt threads and
screw in the bolts to the specified torque
(photo). Hold the flywheel against rotation by
locking the starter ring gear with a suitable
15 Fit the sump pan as described in
sub-Section B.
16 Fit the crankshaft sprocket so that the
timing mark is visible. Lock the flywheel
starter ring gear teeth, and screw in and
Supplement: Revisions and information on later models 13•31
5D.7B Angle-tightening a main bearing cap
5D.7A Initial tightening of a main bearing
cap bolt
5D.6 Fitting a main bearing cap
5D.14 Tightening a flywheel bolt5D.12B Tightening an oil pump bolt5D.12A Oil pump gasket
5D.9 Fitting crankshaft rear oil seal
Fig. 13.9 Application area for silicone
gasket on crankshaft rear oil seal retainer
(Sec 5D)
5D.8 Checking crankshaft endfloat using a
dial gauge