A. INPUTS - Plug your keyboard in here; these are line
level input jacks. If sending a mono signal from your
keyboard, plug your cord into the left or L/M input.
B. VOLUME - Adjusts the loudness of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 1 inputs.
C. LOW - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the low frequency range of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 1.
D. MID - Adjusts the amount of increase or decrease
in the middle frequency range of the SFX Keyboard
200’s Stereo Channel 1.
E. HIGH - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the high frequency range of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 1.
F. DSP SEND - Adjusts the amount of signal from
the SFX Keyboard 200 Stereo Channel 1 sent to the
on-board Digital Signal Processing (DSP).
G. INPUTS - Plug your keyboard in here too. These
jacks are the same as in item A.
H. VOLUME - Adjusts the loudness of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 2 inputs.
I. LOW - Adjusts the amount of increase or decrease
in the low frequency range of the SFX Keyboard
200’s Stereo Channel 2.
J. MID - Adjusts the amount of increase or decrease
in the middle frequency range of the SFX Keyboard
200’s Stereo Channel 2.
K. HIGH - Adjusts the amount of increase or
decrease in the high frequency range of the SFX
Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 2.
L. DSP SEND - Adjusts the amount of signal from
the SFX Keyboard 200’s Stereo Channel 2 sent to the
on-board DSP.
M. INSERTS - 1/4 inch TRS (tip ring sleeve) input /
output phone jacks designed for use with signal
processing devices or other line level outboard gear
on Channel 2 ONLY. A special "Y" line cord (stereo
to dual mono) is required to use these jacks. The tip
is the send and the ring is the return.
N. MIC - Plug your microphone in here. This three
pin XLR balanced female input connector is intended
for input signals from low impedance microphones
and has a +20 dB gain.
O. LINE - This is a 1/4 inch TRS balanced input jack
suited for use with items having a line level output
such as high impedance microphones, drum
machines, etc. It accepts both balanced and
unbalanced cables.