In choosing the 501/501V Control Unit you have acquired a component
that combines major advances in audio and engineering design. The 501
Control Unit is a full function preamplifier for use with high performance
analogue sources. It provides six audio inputs, each of which can be
individually adjusted for sensitivity, and identified on the four-character
alpha-numeric display. A very high quality MC or MM phono stage is
available as an option for the dedicated LP input.
In addition, the 501V Control Unit provides video switching for up to eight
video inputs.
This guide is designed to enable you to obtain the best possible results
from the unit, and it includes information about customising the unit to
your own requirements.
If you have just purchased the 501/501V Control Unit you should first turn
to the chapter Setting up the Control Unit, page 33, which explains how to
unpack and install the control unit correctly.