NVIDIA Networking
The NVIDIA Networking function configures and controls NVIDIA
networking hardware integrated into the NVIDIA MCP. In addition to the
typical network configuration functions that are controlled using the Windows
Network Connections panel, the NVIDIA networking solution includes several
key features that are accessed using the NVIDIA control panel.
FirstPacket provides a better gaming experience over a broadband
connection when multiple applications on the same PC are simultaneously
transmitting data to the Internet
TCP/IP Acceleration
When TCP/IP acceleration is enabled, it lowers the CPU utilization and
provides overall better system performance when the networking traffic is
mainly TCP/IP.
Teaming increase bandwidth when serving files in a LAN environment.
Enables multiple integrated network interfaces to work together seamlessly.
To launch the NVIDIA Control Panel, select
Start¾All Programs ¾NVIDIA
Corporation¾NVIDIA Control Panel.
Click on the Networking icon.