The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 60 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
Now we’ll create a Supermodule!
Select all the modules
(by clicking and dragging over all of them) and then
choose the Combine Modules command under the SuperMod
menu. The Enter the name for the new SuperModule window
should pop up. Type in the name “monocomp."
In the String Substitution fields, type a blank space in the
Replacement column for “ ^1." A check mark will appear next
to “ ^1” when you do. The substitution windows allows you to
“globally” change text information for a Supermodule. In this
case we do not want the “ ^1” to be part of our menu. Later
we will substitute “L” and “R” to give a clear description of
each menu when we employ them in a dual compressor.
If you think through things when creating Supermodules, the
substitution feature will allow quick redefinitions of multiple
menu and knob names. You can avoid much tedious editing
Once the dialog box looks like the one to the right, press the OK button.
The VSigfile display should now look like the one shown to the right.
Notice that all of its inputs and outputs are visible. Click on the
Supermodule and then select the Hide Internals command under the
SuperMod menu.
The VSigfile display should now look like the one shown to the right. At
this time it would be a good idea to add this Supermodule to the “Library”
module group so that it will always be immediately available to add to a file.
Click on the Supermodule and then select the Add to Library command
under the SuperMod menu. Although you may edit the supermodule
contents at any time
(using the Edit command under the SuperMod menu), we suggest
testing and tweaking it prior to saving it to the LIBRARY.