36 PC/104 – DURACHASSIS 5X5 机箱
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). An industry-standard connection for computer control of musical
instruments and devices. A hardware and data standard for communicating between hardware. Most
references involve only the data standard,which is a byte stream used for controlling musical instruments
and storing the output of such instruments.
MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group). Refers to one of several standard video-compression schemes. A
CODEC for squeezing full-screen,VHS-quality digital video into a small data stream so that it can be played
from a CD-ROM drive.
NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specification). The interface for network drivers used in Windows and
Windows NT operating systems. NDIS provides a common mechanism by which any given NDIS-compatible
transport driver can communicate with any NDIS-compatible network adapter driver. Moreover,it provides
for multiple transports to work over multiple network adapters by supporting multiplexing between transports
and drivers.
NMI (Nonmaskable Interrupt). An interrupt that cannot be overruled by another service request. A hardware
interrupt is called nonmaskable if it cannot be masked by the processor interrupt flag.
NTSC (National Television System Committee) of the Electronics Industries Association (EIA). The
standards-setting body for television and video in the United States. Sponsor of the NTSC standard for
encoding colour,a coding system compatible with black-and-white signals and the first system used for
colour broadcasting in the United States. The broadcast standard for the United States and Japan. See also
PAL format and SECAM.
OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. This acronym is used primarily to refer to PC systems
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) is a standard high-performance,32-bit / 64-bit bus,designed to
be used with devices that have high bandwidth requirements.
PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association). Sometimes used to refer to a
controller for a type of expansion card documented in the PCMCIA standards.