The Ericsson GE MTL-SX radio is a high-quality mi-
croprocessor-controlled synthesized portable FM radio. All
transmitter and receiver functions are controlled by the mi-
croprocessor-based circuitry.
The MTL-SX radio’s sturdy die-cast aluminum case has
rotary volume and channel controls on its top panel and three
(3) recessed push-buttons which provide scan control on its
front panel. A indicator light on the front panel lights when
the radio is transmitting and flashes when and the radio is
scanning. A recessed emergency button is located on the top
of the radio. All personality features are programmable with
the PC programming software.
• 16-Channel Capability - The preprogrammed
channels are selected with the top mounted rotary
Control Knob.
• Scan Capability With User Selectable Scan List
- Using two (2) of the buttons on the front panel, the
operator can add and delete any the programmed
channels to the scan list. Priority-one and priority-
two scan channels can also be selected. A thrid
button on this panel is used to toggle scan operation
on and off.
• Volume Control Knob - This rotatable control
provides quick and easy adjustments to the volume
level. Minimum volume levels can be programmed
into the unit to prevent missed calls due to a low
volume setting.
• Monitor Button - This side-mounted button is used
to disabled squelch and if programmed for the se-
lected channel, it is used to toggle CG and/or T99
operation on and off.
• Emergency Channel Feature - An emergency
channel can be programmed into the radio for GE-
STAR emergency signalling. GE-STAR emergency
signalling is activated by the recessed Emegency
Button on the top panel of the radio. GE-STAR can
also be activated by a lanyard connected to the UDC
(Universal Device Connector).
• GE-STAR Compatibility - The radio can be pro-
grammed to transmit GE-STAR ID at PTT key, at
PTT unkey, or both. 16,384 individual ID codes are
• Programmable Multi-Tone Channel Guard
(CTCSS) - Channel Guard tone frequencies within
the range of 67 Hz to 210.7 Hz, including all of the
standard EIA frequencies, can be programmed for
encoded/decoded operation.
• Programmable Multi-Code Digital Channel
Guard - Similar capability as with tone Channel
Guard is provided.
• Two-Tone Sequential (T99) Decode - Selective
calling decode is enabled or disabled on each indi-
vidual channel.
• Channel Busy Lockout - Personality information
includes transmit disable capability on a channel
where carrier activity is present. This feature is
selectable on a per channel basis.
• Programmable Carrier Control Timer - A pro-
grammable transmit timer will automatically dis-
able the transmitter and provide an alerting tone
after time-out. This feature prevents radio damage
and unnecessary channel traffic in the event of a
"stuck" mic. The CCT is reset on every PTT.
• Programmable Transmit Power Level - Transmit-
ter power level is PC programmable into the radio
(high or low) on a per channel basis.
• Squelch Tail Elimination - Squelch and audio cir-
cuits are designed so that annoying squelch pops
which may occur at the end of received messages
are minimized. This feature is compatible with ex-
isting STE systems.
• Alert Tones - Alert tones prompt the operator of
various radio conditions such as channel access,
CCT time-out or a low battery.
• Programmable Through The Universal Device
Connector (UDC) - The entire operation of the
radio can be field customized by programming the
unit using an IBM PC or compatible computer. The
programmed personality is stored in non-volatile
memory within the radio.
• Simple Remote Control Capability - External ac-
cessories can be connected to the UDC such as a
headset, a speaker-mic or a lanyard. Connection of
the speaker-mic allows the operator to remotely
control PTT operation and audio level of the exter-
nal speaker. An antenna jack is located on the UDC
for the connection of a remote mounted antenna
such as when the radio is used in a vehicular charger
or repeater.
• Meets MIL-810C and D Specifications - The
sturdy die-cast aluminum case is designed to seal
out moisture, blowing rain and other harsh envi-
romental factors.
• Battery Packs - Several different battery pack sizes
and capacities are available. Intrinsically safe bat-
tery packs are available for use in hazardous envi-