special call function. See Individual
Calls for details.
Inverts the display’s two alphanu-
meric character lines for viewing
from above; useful when the radio is
attached to the user’s belt.
The radio’s display is shown below. The two character
lines are used to display system, group and channel
names and also operational messages to the user. Each
line contains eight alphanumeric character blocks. The
15 status indicators are used to show the various oper-
ating conditions of the radio. If the display back-lighting
is programmed on, the display will illuminate for a short
period when any of the controls are operated.
The two display lines can be inverted to permit easy
viewing if the radio is worn on a belt or placed into a
vehicular charger. Press once to invert the char-
acter lines, press again to return to the normal
display. Refer to the MENU section to change the dis-
play’s contrast.
Line 1
Line 2
Figure 5 - M-RK II Display