BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The system is divided into two parts, the Database Engine and the CCS itself.
Each part is installed separately. The Database engine must be installed before
the CCS can be installed.
Power up the PC and wait for Windows to load
Insert CD-ROM into your computer’s drive
• If the Autostart function of your operating system is activated, a special pro-
gram - called Introsequence - will start automatically.
• It the Autostart function is not active or not available (Windows 3.x), dou-
ble-click the filename INTROCCS.EXE in the root directory of the CD-
ROM in your MS Explorer or File Manager.
When the loading procedure of the CCS Introsequence is finished you will see a
menu from which you have full access to all information on your CD-ROM.
To install the Borland Database Engine:
In the CCS Intro click on "install software"
In the following menu click on "install database engine"