23Dialog 4220 Lite/Dialog 4222 Office
Outgoing Calls
When you receive a busy tone
If you call an extension and receive a busy tone, or get no answer,
or all external lines are busy, you can use any of the following
If a called extension is busy or there is no answer:
6 Press.
It can take a couple of seconds before the procedure is executed.
You can also press: Callback (function key preprogrammed
by you).
France, Finland and Sweden, press
d Replace the handset to finish procedure.
You are called back (recall ring signal) when the ongoing call is
finished or the next time a new call is finished. You have to answer
within eight seconds, otherwise the Callback service is cancelled.
While waiting for the Callback, you can make and receive calls as
u Lift the handset when you are called back.
The system calls the extension.
Note: Callbacks can be activated on several extensions at
the same time. Callbacks from additional lines will recall on
Line 1.