BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50
Standard Telephone / Economyplus Telephone
CONFERENCE You have an ongoing conversation and you want to
establish a telephone conference.
Inquiry Press
Call the third party
2nd Press
Conference Press to establish a three party conference
Now you have established a three party conference. To mark
the conference, all conference members will hear a periodical
conference tone.
Repeat the procedure to include other persons to
the conference
In this way, you can include up to six parties in a
conversation. How many of them can be external callers
depends on the programming of the system.
INDIVIDUAL HOLD You have an ongoing conversation, i.e. the ”Line 1”-key is lit.
Now you want to park the ongoing call for a short while.
Line 1 Press the line key
The lamp flashes slowly.
Line 1 Press again to retake the parked call
15 Sep 10:35 +15°