Functions & Installation 5. Operation Panel (Key Description)
22 TP1 Rev.5
Jog Keys
Jog key is available only in TEACH mode.
Key Function
Move the target joint (X to W, J1 to J6) to − direction
+ Move the target joint (X to W, J1 to J6) to + direction
Teaching Keys
Teaching key is available only in TEACH mode.
Key Function
Save Points Save the point data to a file
Load Points Read the point data from a file
Jog Mode Specify the Jog mode
Jog Dist Specify the Jog distance
Speed Specify the Jog speed
Teach Save the current position data
Other keys
Key Function
Cancel Cancel the setting and go back to the previous screen
OK Save the setting and move on to the next screen
Reset Set the initial setup status
Motor* Switch the motor power ON/OFF
Home* Move the robot to home position
* Keys with this mark are available only in TEACH mode.
Lamp Function
E-Stop Turns ON when the EMERGENCY STOP switch is pressed
Safety Turns ON when the safeguard is open