Hardware Installation 3-27
If you experience a problem immediately after installing the adapter, check
these areas:
1) Is the device cable the correct type? Some asynchronous cables do not
have enough wires to support the additional signals required for
synchronous communications.
2) Is the board securely seated in the system unit?
3) Are any connections to other boards loose?
4) Are the cable connections made properly? Are the connections loose?
5) Are the factory-set jumpers and switches set correctly?
6) Is the power cord loose in the wall socket or at the rear connection to the
system unit?
7) Are the external equipment connections made properly and is the
equipment powered on?
If the problem still remains, run the DCP286
i/386i/486e diagnostic. This
program performs a complete check of all functional areas on the board.
Refer to Appendix A for operation of the diagnostic software. Report any
errors to Emulex Technical Support by calling the phone numbers listed in
the front of this guide.
What’s Next?
After installing the Emulex adapter and connecting external devices refer to
chapter 4 to:
Install Software