DeltaV Security Manual October 2014
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This manual is a guide for process engineers, information technology personnel, operations managers and
other plant personnel responsible for developing and maintaining the cyber-security for DeltaV distributed
control system.
This manual describes the security features built into DeltaV systems and explains how to harden DeltaV
installations against cyber-security threats. This manual supports installation and maintenance of DeltaV
software. It includes descriptions of patching, backup and restore activities, and procedures for verifying
that security mechanisms for hardening the DeltaV system have been properly installed and congured.
1.2 Organization
The remainder of this introduction provides references to related documents and contains a glossary of
security related terminology.
Section 2 describes basic security concepts and provides guidance for working with IT and Emerson Process
Management personnel to apply these concepts. It also provides guidance on determining the need for
having security policies and procedures for a given installation.
Section 3 describes the as-built security features of DeltaV systems.
Section 4 describes how to patch DeltaV systems.
Section 5 discusses backup and recovery activities of DeltaV systems.
Section 6 describes installation and maintenance from a security perspective.
Finally, the individual topics described in this manual may refer the reader to other DeltaV documentation
that contains additional detail.
1.3 Relevant documentation
1.3.1 Background reading
The following whitepapers provide introductory material for understanding digital security:
Best Practices for DeltaV Cyber Security
DeltaV Cyber Security
Emerson Wireless Security - WirelessHART
and Wi-Fi
Report: M 2784 – X – 10, Process Control Domain – Security Requirements for Vendors, published by
WIB, Second issue, October 2010, version 2.0