30 Chapter 4 Operator Control And Display Panel
HIPULSE U UPS Single Module And “1+N” (Expandable) 160/200/300/400kVA User Manual
No. Menu Item Explanation
Sout (kVA) Apparent power
Pout (kW) Active power
Qout (kVAR) Reactive power
Loadlevel (%) The percentage of the UPS rating load
4 Load
Crest factor Output current crest factor
Sout (kVA) Apparent power
Pout (kW) Active power
Qout (kVAR) Reactive power
5 System
Single system, no parallel data
When configured as a single unit, UPS has only native load, no
system load
Battery voltage (V) Battery bus voltage
Battery current (A) Battery bus current
Battery temperature (°C) Internal battery temperature °C
Battery remain time (Min.) Battery run time remaining
Battery boost charging Battery is boost charging
Battery float charging Battery is float charging
6 Battery
Battery is not connected Battery is not connected
7 Records
Inverter output abnormal
20-01-2006 11:30:02
22-01-2006 13:38:06
Battery maintained
22-01-2006 13:38:02
22-01-2006 13:38:36
Displays up to 512-event history log indicating system status with
start/stop date and time stamp for each event.
You may scroll through the history log.
Refer to Table 4-8 for a complete list of UPS alarm messages
8 Language
Selects display in Chinese or English.
Use F1, up and down arrow keys (F2, F3) to select this menu item,
and press the Enter key (F4).
Use left and right arrow keys (F2, F3) to reach desired language and
press the Enter key (F4)
Display contrast
Adjusts the graphic LCD monitor contrast for best viewing.
Use the Shift key (F1) and up and down arrow keys (F2, F3) to
highligt this setting. Press the Enter key (F4).
Select setting with left and right arrows (F2, F3) and press the Enter
key (F4)
Date format set
YYYY MM DD, DD MM YYYY and MM DD YYYY formats can be
Use the Shift key (F1) and up and down arrow keys (F2, F3) to
highligt this setting. Press the Enter key (F4).
Select setting with left and right arrows (F2, F3) and press the Enter
key (F4)
Date & time
Adjusts time (in 24-hr format) and Date format (in user defined format
previously set).
Use the Shift key (F1) and up and down arrow keys (F2, F3) to
highligt this setting. Press the Enter key (F4).
Enter each date or time digit with up arrow (F2) and use right arrow
(F3) to access next field. Press the Enter key (F4) when all digits
have been entered
9 Settings
Comm1 baud rate
(Monitoring board RS232-1,
Intellislot 2)
Comm2 baud rate
(Monitoring board RS232-2,
Intellislot 1)
Comm3 baud rate
(Monitoring board Intellislot 3)
Adjusts the transmission speed of any of the 3 UPS communication
ports available. Available settings are
- 9600bps (default setting, SNMP card supports this baud rate only)
- 4800bps
- 2400bps
Use the Shift key (F1) and up and down arrow keys (F2, F3) to
highligt the desired port and baud rate. Press the Enter key (F4)