System Application Guide SAG581126000
Spec. No. 581126000 (Model 700
NVBA) Issue AD, November 23, 2009
Page 73 of 123
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GMT-Type Load Distribution Fuses
♦ An optional “
GMT Load Distribution Fuse Block Assembly Kit” (see previous section) is available for
additional load distribution.
When used for power distribution, load should not exceed 80% of device rating, except 10 and 15 amp fuses,
for which load should not exceed 70% of device rating.
Ordering Notes
1) Order fuses as required per
Table 2 (GMT Fuses).
Ampere Rating Part Number Fuse Color
18/100 (GMT-A) 248610301 ---
1/4 248610200 VIOLET
1/2 248610300 RED
3/4 248610500 BROWN
1-1/3 248610700 WHITE
2 248610800 ORANGE
3 248610900 BLUE
5 248611000 GREEN
7-1/2 248611300 BLACK-WHITE
10 248611200 RED-WHITE
15 248611500 RED-BLUE
Safety Fuse
Cover (GMT-Y)
102774 ---
Dummy Fuse
248872600 ---
Table 2
GMT Fuses