cgmSys MIB Description
PMC-CGM Installation and Use (6806800D53C)
bitsRlos/c (31/35) Event "Loss of signal" / "loss of signal cleared" event
detected on a BITS interface.
EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has
been detected (0 or 1).
bitsRais/c (32/36) Event "Alarm indication" / "Alarm indication cleared" event
detected on a BITS interface.
EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has
been detected (0 or 1).
bitsRyel/c (33/37) Event "Yellow alarm" / "Yellow alarm cleared" event
detected on a BITS interface.
EventData: The BITS interface on which the event has
been detected (0 or 1).
bitsRxSsmChange (38) Event A new synchronization status message has been
EventData: The new SSM message received.
memoryLeak (100) *Warning The task checker has detected that the amount of
available memory has dropped below the critical
memAllocError (101) *Warning Required memory could not be allocated.
EventData: The amount of memory which was
attempted to be allocated.
tftpError( 102) Event A TFTP error occurred (firmware update).
firmwareUpdateFailedNc (103) Warning The firmware update failed before accessing the boot
flash device.
firmwareUpdateFailedC (104) *Critical The firmware update failed possible corruption of the
boot flash device.
The standby boot flash image has not been made
firmwareUpdateSuccess( 105) Event The firmware update completed successfully.
firmwareUpdateProgress (106) Event A firmware update progress message.
abnormalReset( 110) Warning The last reset resulted from a fatal error condition
(checkstop or watchdog).
EventData: A bit mask with the following values:
0x10000000: Indicates watchdog reset
0x08000000: Indicates checkstop reset
linkFailure (120) Warning The active network connection failed, the firmware
switched to the inactive link.
EventData: either 0 or 1, indicating the link which
linkSwitch (121) Event The active network link was switched.
EventData: The new active link (0 or 1)
info (200) Info General system information.
For debugging only.
Table 5-7 Event Codes and Severity (continued)
Code Severity Description