Supplement - 6
90003752(1) [AK-Commands] 10/98
SSVC Kn S621 a Loading/Saving of device specific parameters
Description: With this command you can load/save the device specific parameters. This will be possible
via the serial interface and from /to the internal FLASH memory (if on ACU available!).
Syntax: a = 1: loading new configuration via the serial interface.
2: sending out the current configuration via the serial interface
3: saving the current configuration in the FLASH memory
4: loading the configuration saved in the FLASH memory
Notes: The data format for the loading via the serial interface (a = 1) corresponds to the data format
of the serial sending out (a = 2).
Some peculiarities will have to be heeded, because the serial interface will be used parallel
for AK and for in-/output of the data stream:
For a = 1 you will have to wait for the AK response, before you will start the sending of the
data stream.
For a = 2 the AK response ("<STX><don’t care>SSVC 0<ETX>") will be sent at first. It will
not be necessary to treat these response signs in a certain way, because this line will be deleted
as invalid stream!
Saving the configuration in the FLASH memory (a = 3) will overwrite the factory settings of
the device !!
With a = 4 the factory settings will be reloaded to the RAM memory and so to the actual
working memory.
Cf.: Instruction manual