
Installation and Use Manual 69
Meter Verification
Meter Verification Transmitter TerminalsData LoggerTransmitter Configuration
6.2.2 Second panel: Test Definition
The Test Definition panel is shown in Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2 Meter Verification - Test Definition panel
This panel allows you to enter metadata about each test for auditing purposes. This metadata will be
saved with the test results and will also appear on the test report which will be generated at the end of
the test.
Notes: The metadata fields are optional. You will be able to run the meter verification test even if
these fields are left blank.
If you save the test results at the end of the meter verification procedure, the information entered here
will be automatically entered in this panel the next time you run a test on the same meter.
If you want to specify the test fluid, you can select one of the fluids listed in the Test Fluid drop-down
menu, or you can type the name of the test fluid. If you enter a new name, it will be saved in the
ProLink II meter verification database with the test results, and it will be available for selection in the
drop-down list the next time you run a test.
Note: The meter verification procedure can be performed on any process fluid. It is not necessary to
use the same test fluid for each test.