Bytes from Index (MSW) (Note 2)
Bytes from Index (LSW) (Note 2)
$00 00000000 00000000 Defect list code
$02 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Reserved
$04 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Reserved
$06 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Sector number
(MSW) (Note 5)
$08 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Sector number (LSW)
(Note 5)
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
Sector number
(MSW) (Note 5)
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
Sector number (LSW)
(Note 5)
The packet points to the defect list. The defect list contains defect sector
numbers in ascending order. Following the defect list, an "additional" work
area must be provided. This work area must be equal to 2N + 1 longword,
(where N = number of defects). Some controllers require the defect lists in a
different form, and if needed, the SCSI firmware builds the list in the area
provided. A defect list code of $0000 implies that the defects are specified as
physical sector numbers. Otherwise, the defect list codes and their
corresponding representation are as follows:
Code $0000 = Sector number
Code $0001 = Cylinder, head, sector number
Code $0002 = Cylinder, head, bytes from index
1. Filled in by you.