BACnet Communications - UPS Systems
305 Liebert
Modbus/BACnet IP
System Output Pct Power Phase B The system output power on phase B as a percentage of the rated capacity
System Output Pct Power Phase C The system output power on phase C as a percentage of the rated capacity
System Output Power Factor Phs A The system output power factor of phase A
System Output Power Factor Phs B The system output power factor of phase B
System Output Power Factor Phs C The system output power factor of phase C
System Output Power The sum total power of all system output phases
System Output RMS Current Phs A The system output RMS current for Phase A
System Output RMS Current Phs B The system output RMS current for Phase B
System Output RMS Current Phs C The system output RMS current for Phase C
System Output Voltage RMS A-B The system output RMS voltage between phases A and B
System Output Voltage RMS A-N The system output RMS voltage between phases A and Neutral
System Output Voltage RMS B-C The system output RMS voltage between phases B and C
System Output Voltage RMS B-N The system output RMS voltage between phases B and Neutral
System Output Voltage RMS C-A The system output RMS voltage between phases C and A
System Output Voltage RMS C-N The system output RMS voltage between phases C and Neutral
System Shutdown - EPO System shutdown due to Emergency Power Off (EPO)
System Status The operating status for the system
Top Outlet Fan Fault Top outlet fan fault - one or more top outlet fans have failed.
UPS battery1 status UPS battery status
UPS Output on Bypass The output power is supplied by the bypass
UPS Output Source UPS output source
User Operation Invalid User attempted an invalid operation.
Table 101 Liebert APM
, Liebert NXC
, Liebert NXR
- Glossary (continued)
Data Label Data Description